DMPL Locations Are Warming Centers

All DMPL locations are currently serving as Polk County Warming Centers during open hours. More information about warming centers can be found on the Polk County website.

Central Art Gallery

Iowa Pastel Society Show

Iowa Pastel Society Member Show

June 3-30
Closing Reception: 
Sunday, June 30 
2-4 PM

Art is in the air this month in Des Moines. Stop by the Central Library's Art Gallery all month long to enjoy the work of Iowa's top pastel artists!

The Iowa Pastel Soecity is a group of Iowa artists whos passion for art and the medium of pastel is extraordinary. Help us celebrate the vision and hard work of these artists and their love for pastel.

Don't forget - the Des Moines Art Festival will take place June 28-30 at the Western Gateway Park, right outside of the Central Library!

Learn more:

The Central Library Art Gallery is accepting show submissions for 2024 and beyond!