Central Library Pickup Window - Change in Hours

Effective Sunday, September 1, the Central Library pickup window will have new hours. It will be open from 12-6 PM, Monday-Friday. 

How to Give to the DMPL Foundation

Des Moines Public Library Foundation logo

Ways you can help by contributing to the Des Moines Public Library Foundation:

You can donate easily online right now:

Download and print a donation form, then fill it out, complete, and return it with your check to:

Des Moines Public Library Foundation
1000 Grand Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50309

A minimum gift of $25 is required.

Other Ways to Give

A gift can be made in honor of, or in memory of someone you care about. Should you wish to make a gift to our book collection in honor or in memory of someone, simply forward the gift to the Foundation with instructions and/or contact information, and we will work with you directly on the gift. A bookplate may be added at the time the book(s) is placed in the library collection.

You can have a lasting legacy of support for the library by including the Des Moines Public Library Foundation in your will or estate plan. Planned gifts can show a lifetime of caring and be in the form of a bequest, a gift of life insurance, stocks, or annuities. Please call us at (515) 412-0180 to learn more.

If you’re making a bequest in your will, the following language may be added to demonstrate your intention:

“I leave [the sum of ____ dollars], [all or ____ percent of the remainder of my estate] to the nonprofit Des Moines Public Library Foundation, Inc., in Des Moines, Iowa (tax ID #421484890), to be used for the benefit of all Des Moines public libraries.”

The Estes-Spaulding Society
The Estes-Spaulding Society [CLICK HERE TO ENLARGE]

You can make a gift of stock to the Des Moines Public Library Foundation. Please call us at (515) 412-0180 to begin the conversation.

We now offer you another way to give that benefits you and the Library Foundation. With your donation to the Des Moines Public Library Foundation Endow Iowa Fund at the Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines, you can receive an Iowa tax credit of 25% of the gifted amount. You will help us grow this endowment to support future library programs and services. A variety of gifts qualify – cash, real estate, farmland, appreciated securities and outright gifts of retirement assets.

Endow Iowa Tax Credits are available on a first-come/first –serve basis until the yearly appropriated limit is reached. The statewide allocation is $6 million. If the current year’s tax credits have been exhausted, qualified donors are eligible for the next year’s credits. Donors have five years to use their Endow Iowa Tax Credits.

Endow Iowa charitable gifts must be made through the Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines, 1915 Grand Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50309, 515-883-2626, or online.  Be sure to select: Des Moines Public Library Foundation Endow Iowa Fund.