Suggest a Title

Is there a book or movie you would like to see added to our collection? Fill out the Suggest a Title Form to let us know. 

Please note: You must be logged into your account to suggest a title. If you're not logged in, you will be taken to a login screen before going to the form.


Suggest a Title Form


Please read the general guidelines below. You can also find the suggest-a-title link at the bottom of the catalog when you search for a title.

General Guidelines

  • Patrons may suggest three titles every thirty days.
  • Consider the publication date:
    • Priority is given to items that have been published in the last few years.
    • We cannot order out-of-print books and used copies.
    • If there’s still more than eight months until it’s published, we cannot yet enter it into our system
  • Special editions and extremely expensive items may not be ordered.
  • Textbooks will not be ordered.
  • Popular films, TV series, and some books may only be available on streaming platform or through a subscription service.
  • Receiving a suggestion is not a guarantee we will purchase the title.
  • Print books and media will be placed on hold for you upon purchase.
  • Holds cannot be placed for items on digital materials, Library of Things items (including games), or are not yet available, such as books available in another country or DVDs that are not available to pre-order.