Do you need a calm place to play? Then come to the Forest Avenue Calming Room for a sensory interactive experience! This is an unsupervised, drop-in program for youth.
This week's storytime will have a special guest reader from DART (Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority). They will be reading Last Stop on Market Street by Matt de la Peña.
Play, Grow, Learn! is an opportunity for you to use the Imagination Station to explore early literacy tips and books, play with others, and develop early literacy skills using Forest Avenue Library's space and toys.
Visit us at the North Side Library every Monday to learn some computer basics. Create an email account, build a simple resume, and learn about the library catalog.
We will be discussing When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi. Coffee and treats will be served. Copies of the book may be picked up at the circulation desk.
Love Raina Telgemeier, superheroes, manga, graphic novels, and cartoons? Ready to let your artist flag fly? Then come to Comics Creators! We'll provide the paper and pens, you provide the creativity! This is an unsupervised, drop-in program.
Build your own castle using our 3-D pens. You will learn the basics of using a pen to draw 2-D objects and then turn them into 3-D toys in only a few simple steps. For ages 5-12. Registration Required, space is limited!
Come build with us! Computers and iPads provided: just bring your imaginations.
Teens! Are you looking for a place to volunteer? Become a VolunTeen at the South Side Library! Teens ages 12-18 can volunteer at South and complete various library projects with the youth librarian from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Are you looking for a great place to volunteer? Become a volunteen and help out with library projects and programs. Teens ages twelve to eighteen can pick up a teen volunteer application at the Franklin Avenue Library.
Build your own castle using our 3-D pens. You will learn the basics of using a pen to draw 2-D objects and then turn them into 3-D toys in only a few simple steps. For ages 5-12. Registration Required, space is limited!
Bring the family at night for stories, songs, and occasional crafts that prepares your children for school! You can even wear your jammies! All ages.
Join us for a discussion of The Map of Salt and Stars by Jennifer Zeynab Joukhadar. Ask at the information desk for a copy of the book.