Central Library Pickup Window - Change in Hours

Effective Sunday, September 1, the Central Library pickup window will have new hours. It will be open from 12-6 PM, Monday-Friday. 

DocuTalk: Busy Inside

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Program Type:

Book Clubs, Movies

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Registration for this event is no longer open.

Program Description

Event Details

The best documentaries make you desperate to discuss! Each month we’ll talk about one of the most intriguing documentaries your library card can connect you with. Join us for a not-quite-a-Book Club: Watch at home, then join us for an IN-PERSON discussion!


We'll be talking about: Busy Inside (2019)

“BUSY INSIDE” tells the true story of Karen and Marshay, two idiosyncratic women with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). Karen Marshall is a respected therapist who treats patients with DID -- the condition of having multiple personalities often resulting from child abuse. Among her patients is Marshay, a biracial musician, who sometimes struggles to believe that she really has DID. Marshay works with Karen to overcome her painful childhood memories, embrace her multiple selves, and find peace. But, Karen is still haunted by her own past, juggling seventeen of her own alter egos.

How to Watch: 

Des Moines Residents can use their library card to stream this documentary and others for free on Kanopy Streaming Service. From True Crime and Pop Culture to Social Justice and Edutainment, you'll find thousands of documentaries, as well as movies and TV shows.  

Prefer to watch with friends?  Join us on June 21st at 6 PM at the North Side Library for a screening.


Email Required

Please make sure you have entered a valid email address as the online event details will be sent to you prior to the event. If you have not received a confirmation email your inbox, please check your spam folder.

Indoor Program (2021)

This program is hosted indoors.  Please observe social distancing and follow local COVID-19 safety mandates. Hand sanitizer will be provided and staff will do their best to ensure any shared materials are disinfected between use. This program is subject to COVID-19 safety protocol updates, including room capacity limits. Please check our website for updates.